External Rendering
Gemma Da Silva

Gemma Da Silva

Last updated: February 14, 2025  •  5 min read

Elevate Your Projects With the Enscape Student License

Did you know that students can take advantage of industry-standard 3D visualization software at a significantly reduced price during their studies?

Introducing the Enscape student license. A FULL version of Enscape that comes with all the functionalities of the commercial license but for a fraction of the cost😍.

The Enscape student license gives you access to all the tools you need to create professional-looking visualizations. It is quick to get started, simple to use, and is already used by students all over the world.

Take a look at these testimonials from current students and recent graduates to see how it’s helping them to review their design ideas, visualize better, and present concepts that WOW!

Large modern building renderImage courtesy of Kun Yan, Master of Architecture, RMIT University, Melbourne

Kun Yan:  Master of Architecture at RMIT University in Melbourne 

"I have been using Enscape for SketchUp since the initial version of Enscape. Currently, I am studying for a Master of Architecture at RMIT University in Melbourne. I have been using Enscape to complete the rendering of my student works and some other models.  

Currently, visual expression is one of the best means for students to present their works. When I conduct course design and competitions, I use Enscape with digital models to think about space and the environmental atmosphere. 

Kun Yan Urban Render copyImage courtesy of Kun Yan, Master of Architecture, RMIT University, Melbourne

I also pay attention to the impact of building materials on space and the environment. Enscape can help me quickly make choices and get detailed performance in these aspects. The whole process is relaxed and full of surprises.  

Although you already have an in-depth understanding of your concept design, the real-time effects presented by visual means will help you deepen your understanding of it. This kind of efficient feedback is completely suitable for our student group.  

In short, Enscape helped me realize my student design dream because I want to see my design appear in "The Real World." 
The images above and below were rendered by Enscape, with very little post-processing in Photoshop (just some color work)."

Connect with Kun Yan on LinkedIn.

Green Modern Building RenderImage courtesy of Kun Yan, Master of Architecture, RMIT University, Melbourne

Nic Falconer: Urban Design Student, Oxford Brookes University 

"I started using Enscape during my second year of studying Urban Design, Planning, and Development at Oxford Brookes University. Enscape’s seamless integration with SketchUp made it quick and easy for me to learn. Within minutes I found myself creating stunning rendered images that I could use to support my written work.

Enscape also helps me to understand how my designs interact with the environment and their surroundings. Whenever I make alterations to building orientations or materials in SketchUp, Enscape’s real-time lighting and reflections immediately update to show me the impact of these changes on my model. I can then cycle through the day and night settings to see how these changes are affected by different times of the day.

Nic Falconer Student Render

Image courtesy of Nic Falconer, Urban Design student, Oxford Brookes University

The Asset Library within Enscape allows me to bring my design proposals to life. It’s a great way to add small details such as people, trees, and foliage in order to make my SketchUp models look more vibrant and active. It also helps me to present how my designs can support the movement of cars, cyclists, and pedestrians. 

The image above and below came straight out of Enscape, with no post-processing." 

Connect with Nic Falconer on LinkedIn.

Nic Falconer Student Render Residential copyImage courtesy of Nic Falconer, Urban Design student, Oxford Brookes University

Timea Konkoly-Kajdy: Interior Design Graduate

"My name is Timea, and I am a newly-graduated interior designer. My mission is to design spaces that are energy positive and as green as possible in all possible senses.

When I was asked to write about my Enscape student experience, I felt truly honored – to have the opportunity to help fellow students make their designs even more realistic and more representative in a fast way. And I imagine there are students out there using way too much time creating new ideas, just like I did.

During my studies, the largest problem I had was visualization. I couldn’t imagine myself in the space I was designing. I felt that I had thousands of ideas in my head and had only started to learn how to use design software, but I couldn’t imagine my drawings in a real-life setting.

In the beginning, it was very frustrating because the picture in my head didn’t match the one on screen. I was stacked for hours and days. But that’s when Enscape came into the picture. Literally. To be able to communicate all my ideas to others is essential, and Enscape helps with that.

Bathroom renderImage courtesy of Timea Konkoly-Kajdy, Interior Design graduate 

How did you hear about Enscape for the first time?

I was working on a huge school project, and rendering in Revit took forever. When my mentor, Rick Feineis from cadtrainingonline.com recommended that I try Enscape, I was very skeptical. So, the very first time, I watched some tutorials on YouTube. I thought that this would be another overly complicated software to use. But I was shocked at how easy it was to use from the beginning, and the picture quality was amazing.

What do you like most about Enscape?

Enscape allows me to express my creativity and inspires me even further. With the walkthrough technology, I can explore my design from every angle and make changes in Revit which are visible instantly. My favorite part of the program is the time-of-day lighting option and of course, the Asset Library, which is ever-expanding. I can see how my building looks at any time of the day. When I want to see how a room looks like at sunset, it takes literally two clicks to change the settings.

CAFE Interior Render copyImage courtesy of Timea Konkoly-Kajdy, Interior Design graduate

Before I started using Enscape, there was a time when I spent countless hours online searching for a special furniture item, and at the end, I found out that it didn’t render properly. But with Enscape’s Asset Library, I can easily find modern furniture and accessories that elevate my design and make it look more realistic.  

Enscape is an amazing software, which I wish I had known about from the beginning when I started designing in Revit - it would have saved me a huge amount of time. The best part still is that it is extremely easy to use and highly professional. I would recommend this software to all interior design students because the amount of value this software contains is priceless."

Connect with Timea Konkoly-Kajdy on LinkedIn.

Apply for your Enscape student license

If you are a student, educator, or institution, you can apply for an Enscape educational license.

It's quick and easy to get up and running, and in no time, you'll be able to enjoy testing your design ideas and visualizing them through the various mediums that Enscape provides – such as still images, animations, panoramas, orthographic projections, virtual reality, and more!


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Gemma Da Silva
Gemma Da Silva

Gemma is part of the Content team at Chaos and loves to provide architects and designers with practical tips to improve their workflows and visualizations. If you have something you'd like to share with the wider Enscape community, email blog-editor@chaos.com.