Enscape 2.3


Last updated: July 27, 2022  •  2 min read

Enscape Version 2.3

📢NEWS: A new version of Enscape is now available. Discover Enscape 3.4

Today we would like to introduce you to Enscape Version 2.3, which is even more exciting to use, for both architects and designers. Besides the noticeable improvements to be found in the VR performance, this latest version also brings new functionality to help optimize your workflow.

With Enscape 2.3 you can now create even better renderings. And you have more time to do the real design work!

ArchiCAD Support

You can now install Enscape for ArchiCAD and make use of all the known functions for Real-Time Rendering and virtual reality.

Your materials, lights, etc. are instantly recognized and are automatically updated whenever you change them.

Video Path

Creating a video path has never been easier in the AEC industry when using Enscape. Simply insert and edit keyframes, adjust Time of Day, Field of View or the camera movement.

Screenshots in VR

At any point during a walk-through, you can capture phenomenal scenes from your project whilst in virtual reality. Once captured, high-quality screenshots will be rendered as a batch once VR mode has been exited.


Enscape’s standalone export feature enables your visualisations to run on your customer’s computer, without them having to install additional architectural software. Set rendering quality or virtual reality with just one click.

Adjustable Water

With the enhanced water settings you can make your projects even more engaging. Decide whether you want quiet or turbulent water; adjust the water color to better compliment to your project.

Further Improvements

  • Rendering quality of reflections has been improved (sharper during movement)
  • Integrated Minimap in the Virtual Reality menu
  • Smoother shadow transitions during time-lapse videos
  • Export uncompressed video for post-production
  • New materials in Revit and Revit 2019 now supported
  • Proxies in SketchUp now reload automatically
  • TGA textures are now supported in SketchUp's material editor
  • Area lights are now available in SketchUp (Line, Rectangular, Disc)
  • Improved grass rendering
  • Transparent Textures now supported in Rhino
  • Save Enscape views to Rhino

Easy to use

No additional software needs to be learned – simply install the Enscape plugin and walk through your projects with only one click.

Easy Presentations

Present your project in different phases of the workflow. Use the Enscape plugin together with Revit or an exported standalone file of your project.

Fast Rendering

No long waiting times until your visualization is finished. Enscape renders your project within seconds and generates on average 50 images per second.

No Cloud

Uploading data to the cloud is not needed. With the direct integration into Revit, SketchUp, Rhino and ArchiCAD Enscape gets all the data directly from Revit.

Real-Time Feedback

With the live link between Enscape and Revit, all changes that you do in Revit, SketchUp, Rhino and ArchiCAD are immediately visible in Enscape. Explore every adjustment right away.

Virtual Reality

Together with the Oculus Rift you can virtually walk through your project in Enscape. Experience your work as it was already built.

Present your project in different phases of the workflow. Use the Enscape plugin together with Revit or an exported standalone file of your project.

New data: The state of architectural visualization 2024/25
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Enscape™ is a real-time rendering and VR plugin that empowers design workflows by turning building models into immersive 3D experiences.

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