Enscape rendering of red building facade
Dan Stine

Dan Stine

Published: April 17, 2024  •  7 min read

Revit 2025 Updates Enscape Users Should Know About

The annual new version of Autodesk® Revit® was recently released, right on the heels of Enscape 4.0! Between the two new software releases, there are many things to discuss. However, this post aims to highlight the new Revit 2025 features that Enscape users will be most interested in.


Download Enscape for Revit 2025


But before we dive into the new Revit features, let’s briefly mention how Enscape’s Revit Worksharing optimization, released with Enscape 4.0, enables more efficient collaboration in workshare projects.

You will notice significant user experience optimizations when working within shared Revit models. Building upon the partial fix I wrote about, introduced in version 3.4.3, this update addresses a range of errors encountered during collaborative sessions, such as when users are engaged in modifying views, visual setting presets, and site context elements.

Worksharing conflicts should no longer occur when two people are working on different views with different Enscape presets, as the cases when users would need to sync with the central project have been reduced. It's important to note, however, that certain limitations persist due to the underlying communication dynamics between Revit and Enscape.


Enscape toolbar UI in Revit CAD


Now, here are the Revit 2025 items covered in this article:

  • Extensible storage (Schema)
  • Toposolid
  • Material Browser
  • Wall “end wrap” controls
  • Mullion profile
  • Auto-join and lock parallel walls
  • GPU Driver for optimal Revit and Enscape results

To see these new features and enhancements in action, plus a few others, check out my video: What's New in Autodesk Revit 2025

Extensible Storage (Schema)

We will start with the Revit “Schema” issue that every Revit user should know about!

There is the potential for some big problems in Revit 2024.0 and 2024.1 upgrades based on non-Autodesk Revit add-ins installed or used on projects. Affected 2024 files can only be “cleaned” by Autodesk support or by upgrading them to Revit 2025. Upgrading a pre-2024 Revit project to Revit 2024.2 will not negatively affect projects.

If using Revit 2024, everyone on the project MUST be using 2024.2.

If you have upgraded files to Revit 2024 using 2024.0 or 2024.1, you can use a Revit add-in called Schema Scanner Add-On for Autodesk® Revit®. This tool, accessed from within Revit, will display a dialog like the one below, identifying any problems. Again, if there are problems, the 2024 file either needs to be sent to Autodesk support or the project team needs to migrate to Revit 2025.

The problem apparently involves two non-Autodesk add-ins conflicting with each other. And, with the way shared memory works, one file can cause problems in another file just by having them open in the same Revit session. To learn more about this topic, visit this Autodesk help article: Schema Conflicts in Revit 2024.


Revit Schema Scanner


The Revit Toposolid element has a host of enhancements added since its initial release last year. One particularly relevant to Enscape users is the surface smoothing discussed below. The original version of this element maintained the triangulated surface look, which results in an unrealistic-looking ground surface in Enscape (or any rendering application). Now, when “surface smoothing” is toggled on, this smoothed surface extends to what is seen within Enscape, as demonstrated below.

Here are some of the key enhancements highlighted in the graphic and numbered list below.


Toposolid enhancements from Revit 2024 to Revit 2025Toposolid enhancements

1. Toposolid smooth shading

This feature smooths the surface visually on screen (while in shaded, consistent colors, textures, and realistic visual styles) and in exports. The one setback is that surface patterns are not displayed with smooth shading (notice the surface color change).

2. Shaft elements

In 2024, a shaft would cut all the way through a Toposolid. In 2025, the cut stops at the bottom position of the shaft. However, the top is still not a control, meaning the excavation projects upward to infinity regardless of the top position of the shaft relative to the toposolid.

3. Face-based family hosting

Excavated edge scan be used to host face-based content like this planting family.

4. Additional excavation options

Floors, Roofs, Toposolids, and Building Pads can be used to cut/excavate a Toposolid. For example, the basement floor can cut out the earth, which is more efficient than the pre-2024 method of needing to add another slab-like element (i.e., a Building Pad). Note that Building Pads can only exist if they came from a pre-Revit 2024 upgraded file, as the Building Pad command was removed in Revit 2024.

Another Toposolid enhancement shown in the examples below is that contours remain visible while modifying sub-elements. Excavation volumes are also calculated and listed in properties. Finally, a Toposolid by Face command has been added to the Massing/Site tab.


Contours visible when modifying Toposolid in Revit 2025Contours visible when modifying Toposolid


Toggling on Toposolid smooth shading in RevitToggling on Toposolid smooth shading in Revit


Toposolid smooth shading toggled on in RevitToposolid smooth shading toggled on in Revit 3D view


Toposolid in EnscapeToposolid in Enscape - only option in 2024 and default option in 2025

Toposolid in Enscape with smooth shadingToposolid in Enscape with smooth shading toggled on

Material browser

Although this feature does not directly affect anything in Enscape, material management is central to achieving optimal results in any ArchViz workflow. The Material Browser now supports selecting multiple materials in a project or library, which can then be deleted or loaded into a project in a single operation.

Additionally, the way material thumbnails are generated has also been optimized to load more quickly when the Render Setting’s new Quick option is selected (see the second image below). The Render Setting is for the entire project, not just the selected material.


Revit dialog of deleting multiple materials at onceDeleting multiple materials at once


Revit dialog of adjusting material thumbnail render settingsAdjusting material thumbnail 'render settings'


For more on materials in Enscape, read my recent post about managing custom materials.

Wall end wrap controls

Enscape users will appreciate the ability to more easily control how a wall’s material wraps at its ends.

If a wall has Wrapping at Ends toggled on and Layers within the wall type are set to Wrap, these new icons allow you to control wrapping for each side of the selected wall. Previously, it was all or nothing, and you would need to create additional wall types for wrapping and non-wrapping conditions.

Now, you can simply select the wall and click the new wrapping icons that appear. As shown in the example below, one side can be wrapped while the other is not. These icons only appear when wrapping is enabled for the selected wall type.

On a related note, if you are unfamiliar with how wrapping at inserts can be controlled parametrically by doors and windows, be sure to check out this post (and this one, too).

End wrapping toggles being shown when wall is selected in Revit 2025End wrapping toggles visible when wall is selected


Mullion profile

This is the biggest “new geometry” opportunity within Revit that will benefit many Enscape users.

Mullion profiles can now contain multiple loops, the results of which appear in Enscape! These loops can be internal and cut the larger loop or external and create additional geometry. The example below adds one of each, where the internal loop emphasizes the location/position of the curtainwall system’s pressure plate and cap.

The way curtainwall mullions join or clean up with each other has not changed, so the transition between more complicated profiles may need to be considered (not unlike how they are built in reality). The big downside for Enscape users is that assigning multiple materials to different parts of the mullion is not possible.


Example of complex mullions in Revit 2025Example of mullions with multiple loops within a profile definition


Auto join and lock parallel walls

Some design firms manage wall types using a separate wall element for each layer of construction. This offers more control on where materials/finishes start and stop but also requires joining parallel walls so hosted opened cut through the entire assembly. This workflow, which can sometimes achieve enhanced control/results for Enscape users, has been optimized within Revit 2025.

When creating walls, it is now possible to proactively Join and Join & Lock touching parallel walls. This makes modeling more efficient when material layers are modeled as separate wall types. In the example below, the wall (a single 5/8” finish material) being added on the left instantly joins with the adjacent wall, which is automatically cut by the door opening. The result on the right is a single door cutting four separate walls. This was possible previously, but the walls had to be joined manually. Again, in this new workflow option, the walls must touch.

Did you know: In the manual scenario, it is possible to join walls that do not touch, and the cutout (for the door or window) jumps across the gap!


Dialog of graphics card driver within Revit 2025New parallel and touching walls can automatically join and lock


Auto join and lock parallel walls

This last bonus item has nothing to do with Revit 2025 or Enscape 4.0. However, whenever graphical or performance issues are encountered, it is often helpful to try the latest graphics card driver.

The graphics driver (aka video driver or GPU) and its compatibility with Revit can be viewed from within the Options dialog, as shown below. Notice the slight difference in the way the driver version is presented compared to the just-installed driver (from NVIDIA in this example).


Graphics card driver within Revit 2025Verifying graphics card driver within Revit and comparing to the driver just installed


The driver version and date can be seen in Display Settings, which can be accessed by right-clicking on the Windows desktop.


Windows display settings of graphics cardVerifying graphics card driver within Windows display settings



With this information in hand, Enscape users can quickly harness the value offered by these and the many other new and enhanced features in Revit 2025, not to mention Enscape 4.0!


Download Enscape for Revit 2025


Revit 2025 and Enscape are two powerful tools that can enhance the workflow and productivity of architects, designers, and engineers. Using the latest features and improvements in both applications, users can create stunning visualizations, animations, and VR experiences from their Revit models.

Users can benefit from Revit and Enscape's seamless integration and high performance, whether exploring design options, communicating with clients and stakeholders, or showcasing their projects.

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Dan Stine
Dan Stine

Dan is an author, blogger, educator, design technologist and Wisconsin-registered architect. He is the Director of Design Technology at Lake | Flato architects in San Antonio, Texas. Connect with Dan on LinkedIn.