Modern building external render
Bjørn Wittenberg

Bjørn Wittenberg

Published: April 01, 2022  •  3 min read

Drawing of the Year Competition: Winners Announced

Enscape is delighted to have partnered with Archisource for the 2021 Drawing of the Year Competition - where the very best architectural drawings (created in any style and format) are celebrated. The international competition is open to professionals and students and offers over $13,500 USD worth of prizes. 

As the graphic representation of drawings has changed considerably over the years, with real-time visualizations becoming one of the go-to methods for showcasing design, this year, a new category was added to the competition: The Enscape Commendation.

Our own panel of judges viewed 50 shortlisted projects that were rendered in Enscape. Points were awarded to each one until there were six winning visualizations that stood out.

It gives us great pleasure to share the winning visualizations with you today. Congratulations to everyone who took part in the competition 👏. We are in awe of the beautiful renderings that you have created. Well done to everyone! 

Enscape Commendation Winners

Archisource_DOTY21_Enscape Award_Winner_Joshua MacDonald and Andrew Ashbury_@_joshmac1. Joshua MacDonald and Andrew Ashbury

Instagram: @_joshmac

The judges were unanimous in choosing MacDonald and Ashbury’s image as the Enscape Award winner. The judges applauded the ‘Knivsta Learning Campus - The Tower’ imagery as a standout example of skillfully utilizing Enscape to create exemplar rendered imagery to showcase their architectural representation. “The building blends into the surroundings in a harmonious composition. There is a beautiful choice of colors, a skillful balance between the changing warm to cold environments which makes the viewer want to explore the building further.” The judges were impressed with the captivating warmness emanating from the building and how the framed view of the building draws the viewer deeper into the scene. 

Archisource_DOTY21_Enscape Award_Special Mention_Bui Sang, Jaco Pan and Luu Tran_@sangbui.archviz2. Bui Sang, Jaco Pan, and Luu Tran

Instagram: @sangbui.archviz

“It's clearly a very coherent model with excellent attention to detail from the wood and bricks to the reflections of these materials.” The judges were impressed with the conception of the image and harmonious composition. 

Archisource_DOTY21_Enscape Award_Special Mention_Dennis Barg_@dennis_b.rg3. Dennis Barg

Instagram: @dennis_b.rg

“The image has a standout and individual graphic style with a sophisticated and complete composition.” The judges were impressed with the convincing lighting achieved and 3D realization of the whole streetscape with a realistic level of detail. “The image tells a strong story of the place with the building sitting perfectly in its setting.”

Archisource_DOTY21_Enscape Award_Special Mention_Lucien Desmenez_@bleu_parpaing

4. Lucien Desmenez

Instagram: @bleu_parpaing

“Desmenez has achieved a great balance between light and shadow, with the main project as the focus of the image.” The judges recognized the use of colors to distinguish the hard, man-made features from the green, natural landscape with the building floating lightly in the center. “With this effect, the building blends in well with the surroundings.”

Archisource_DOTY21_Enscape Award_Special Mention_David Fritz_@dfritzfritz5. David Fritz

Instagram: @dfritzfritz

The judges enjoyed the strong architectural perspective of Fritz's image to communicate the project details. “Not all the materials are fully defined which allows the viewers’ imagination to experience the space in unique ways.” The judges admired the harmonious structure of both the project and the scene.

Archisource_DOTY21_Enscape Award_Special Mention_Yiwei_Xue and Xuan Yang_@ciweiyiwei @xuan.stagram (1)6. Yiwei_Xue and Xuan Yang

Instagram: @ciweiyiwei

The judges were very impressed with Xue and Yang’s 3D realization of a ‘real physical model’ achieved through the skillful use of Enscape as a render tool. “It’s a really exciting piece with a fantastic composition, clear representation, and convincing use of light. The imagery leaves the viewer questioning if it’s a photograph of a brilliant physical model, which is a fantastic quality to achieve.”

Shortlisted Entries

Here is a selection of entries that were shortlisted for the Enscape Commendation. A wonderful collection of visualizations. Congratulations to all!

Archisource_DOTY21_ENSCAPE_SHORTLIST_Teymur Isazade_@teymur.isazadeTeymur Isazade

Archisource_DOTY21_ENSCAPE_SHORTLIST_Adrian camilo Mariño Estepa_@Piet_design @arqkmilo (1)Adrian Camilo and Mariño Estepa
Archisource_DOTY21_ENSCAPE_SHORTLIST_Asma Fazal_@axfdesignAsma Fazal

Archisource_DOTY21_ENSCAPE_SHORTLIST_Haydian Susanto_@haydians @hayy.psd (3)Haydian Susanto

Archisource_DOTY21_ENSCAPE_SHORTLIST_Luz Auyon and Daniela Beraun_@luuzzLuz Auyon and Daniela Beraun

Archisource_DOTY21_ENSCAPE_SHORTLIST_Justin VermeulenJustin Vermeulen

Archisource_DOTY21_ENSCAPE_SHORTLIST_Aigner Ngai_@aigner_ngaiAigner Ngai

Archisource_DOTY21_ENSCAPE_SHORTLIST_David Fritz_@dfritzfritzDavid Fritz


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Bjørn Wittenberg
Bjørn Wittenberg

Bjørn is the Events and Education Manager at Enscape. His passion is to learn and share how Enscape helps students, educators, and professionals around the world visualize future projects with ease. Bjørn has a degree in architecture, has worked as program manager for a well-known CAD software provider, and also as a BIM manager in the industry.